5 Exciting Sleepover Ideas for Kids

Surprise Birthday Decor Ideas
Children love to invite their friends or cousins for a Birthday Sleep Over, and have fun all night. So what’s the Best way to Host a Sleep Over or Slumber Party for your Child’s 10th Birthday ? First and foremost, plan a midnight surprise birthday party. All children love to cut their cake at 12 midnight, don’t they ? Arrange some fairy lights, put in some balloons, a birthday banner, some colorful paper decorations and of course a Teepee tent! Wow your perfect kids surprise birthday party is all set!

Party Decor for Children
Arrange your tipi tents to face each other, so that the children can see each other, even while being in their own private tipi. Don’t forget to put some cute pillows, like the unicorn pillows for girls or some Elsa and Barbie pillows. For boys you can put in Hulk, Chota Bheem or Doremon pillows inside the tents. Throw some balloons around to create that magical world for kids. The best decor would be all bright and colorful, and yes, full of life !

The Teepees here are:
Popsicle Teepee Tent
Rapunzel Teepee Tent
Sugar Candy Teepee Tent
Slumber Party for Kids
Outdoor slumber party arrangements can be real fun, if the the weather permits. Set up some really cool play tents in your lawn or garden and arrange for kids to play hide n seek around them. They can also camp like real life campers or pretend play in the teepees.
The Cake cutting ceremony will always be the Highlight of your Kids Birthday Party, but what after that ? The Best memories are always made by Camping together & of course Mid night Snacking ! Don’t forget some exciting games, child friendly movies and some very creative activities involving the children around your teepee set up.

5 Things to Do at a Kids Birthday
- Camping – Convert your Living Room into a Camp Site for your Child & their Friends. Indoor Tents, Teepees and Viking Tents are best suited for a Slumber Party. Put some fairy lights, throw around some Balloons, Mattresses and some cozy blankets, and there is a safe Campsite, Indoors.
- DIY Snacks – You can encourage the kids to choose toppings for their Pizzas or salads for their Sub sandwich. Supervise them, while they are cooking up their meal. Serve some healthy homemade Milk shakes or fresh fruit smoothies, instead of fizzy drinks.
- Put in some Crafts kits, like paper folding crafts, or a clay modeling, or perhaps a bracelet making competition. Believe us, kids love that.
- Painting, yes you heard it right ! Although it can get a little messy, but that’s one activity that all Kids will love and enjoy doing, maybe paint a Unicorn, a Mermaid, a Super Hero or just make some creative Cards.
- Movies are always best watched with Friends ! Put up a Big screen or a Projector and play some child friendly movie, and pop corns can always add to all the fun.